RPG.XLS Screenshots GalleryThis section includes various screenshots in no specific order documenting development process, consecutive engine versions and some experimental designs. You may use these images on your blog or forum entries, but please do not hotlink. | |
| 1. The very first 0.50-alpha version of RPG.XLS engine. Only movement and area map.
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| 2. How the map editor works: planting some crops with just one click...
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| 3. The 0.60-alpha version of RPG.XLS engine. The inventory manager is very simplified, allowing only to move items between inventory and ground / containers.
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| 4. RPG.XLS Construction Set in action. Editing items stored in a barrel.
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| 5. Preliminary approach to actual interface. Note the 3 x 3 button interface. The middle button switches between the two modes for the other eight buttons. Here is the navigation mode:
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| 6. The interface in 0.70a version of RPG.XLS engine. Most buttons are disabled as there will be programmed in further versions of the engine.
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| 7. A small 47 x 47 location used in 0.55-alpha version of the engine.
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| 8. The actual game will use two stage sizes - small 95x95 and large 209x209 tiles. Below: the initial stage in RPG.XLS 0.70a is an exemplary small stage. Now, just think how big the big stage will be!
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| New images will be added along with the development of the game, so make sure to check out for updates. If you suggestions or comments regarding the graphics and interface ideas shown on the screenshots, fell free to contact me - your feedback is much appreciated.
 Excel is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation® All contents Copyright © 2006-2008 Bartlomiej Dzik | |